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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Wrecks of The Edmund Fitzgerald, Carl Bradley and Daniel J Morrell Commemorated this Month...Great Lakes Tragedies Retold..

November 10th marks the anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald....

All 29 crew memebers died in this tragedy that added to the tally of Lake Superiors shipwrecks..

We can only imagine the horror the crew went through.

We commemorate this day with memorials and prayers each year...remembering the crew and their families.

The fickle November Gales are no stranger to any of the 5 great lakes...

Another similar tragedy of the November storms occured in 1966 with the sudden sinking of the Daniel J Morrell on Lake Huron just off Michigan's Thumb.

Unlike the Fitzgerald on the Morrell there was one of the 29 crew memebers that survived to tell the story...Watchman Dennis Hale.

Michigan Magazine sat down with Dennis to discuss that fatefull night and what we learned forever changed our outlook and increased our cautious respect for the power of the great lakes.

Following this video we list the entire crew on the Morrell that wasn't as fortunate as Dennis...We pray for them and for those of the Edmund Fitzgeralds along with their families whose loss will never be forgotten

Then there was the SS Carl D. Bradley that also sank in a November storm with an even greater loss of life.

The SS Carl D. Bradley was a self-unloading Great Lakes freighter that sank in a Lake Michigan storm on November 18, 1958. Of the 35 crew members, 33 died in the sinking and 23 were from the port town of Rogers City, Michigan.